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Echo is a service developed by Chainbound which leverages the Fiber Network.

Echo extends Fiber's functionalities by integrating with the Proposer-Builder Separation (PBS) architecture, allowing users to directly send transactions and bundles to Block Builders.

Transaction & Bundle Flow

Following the infrographic depicted up here, users should expect the following flow:

  1. User submits an MEV bundle via endpoint with eth_sendBundle method.

  2. Echo picks up the bundle and depending on user preferences:
    A. Echo routes the bundle to the builders specified in mevBuilders field.
    B. If user specified usePublicMempool: true, Echo also propagates the transaction to the public mempool.

    Here, Echo leverages the Fiber network's SendTransaction functionality, ensuring a fast and reliable propagation worldwide.

  3. Builders submit their blocks to relays. At the end of the PBS auction, proposers select the block with the highest bid (not depicted in diagram).

  4. New block is broadcasted to the network.

  5. Receipt notification: As soon as the user's transactions are included in a block, Echo notifies the user with a receipt notification.

    Here Echo leverages the Fiber network's NewExecutionPayloads stream, allowing the system to check for transaction inclusion in newly produced blocks with minimal latency.